
Group of business people diverse meeting and worki 2021 12 09 06 28 14 utc

Ten Takeaways for Buyers and Sellers in Private M&A Transactions

Bennett Jones

By Gary Solway, Munaf Mohamed QC, John Mercury, Michael Mysak and Paul Romaniuk of Bennett Jones.
Gary Solway and John Mercury act on behalf of buyers and sellers in M&A corporate transactions. Munaf Mohamed, Michael Mysak, and Paul Romaniuk act in M&A litigation matters.

PE IWD Featured Article 01

Perspectives from Private Equity Leaders…Who Just Happen to Be Women

Jon Jackson

There are women in Canada that wield significant influence in our industry that oversee millions and billions in assets. These expert opinions are needed now more than ever. Strategies are looking to adjust for where markets are heading and to focus on the many variables that will spell future investment success or failure. Again, this

VC IWD Featured Article 01

Perspectives from Venture Capital Leaders…Who Just Happen to Be Women

Jon Jackson

There are women in Canada that wield significant influence in our industry that oversee millions and billions in assets. These expert opinions are needed now more than ever. Strategies are looking to adjust for where markets are heading and to focus on the many variables that will spell future investment success or failure. Again, this

I Stock 1225664803

Let’s Talk About Gratitude, Loneliness & Resilience

Brenda Irwin

Lying on the wickedly cold pavement on January 14, listening to first responders assess how they were going to transfer my body to a spinal board—not yet knowing if I fractured my pelvis, I recall darting thoughts of “I have the tools to get through this.” I was angry at the driver who hit me