Venture CapitalPolicy & Advocacy

Life Science Op Ed Photo
Policy & Advocacy

Canada’s Life Sciences Sector: Driving Results

Andrew Casey

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on Canada’s healthcare system, society, and economy. Canada is not alone on this, as societies and economies globally were unprepared for the scale and scope of the virus’ impact. It is increasingly clear that in order for us to return to the world we once knew, we

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Policy & Advocacy

Canada’s 43rd Parliament – Speech from the Throne: CVCA Perspective

Matt Ivis

On December 5th, 2019, the Governor General of Canada, Julie Payette, opened Canada’s 43rd Parliament with the Speech from the Throne (SFT), outlining a five-point agenda for this session of Parliament: Fight climate change Strengthen the middle class Walk the road of reconciliation Keep Canadians safe and healthy, and Position Canada for success in an

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Policy & Advocacy

CVCA’s Open Letter To Major Federal Party Leaders

Taking part in the federal election process, the Canadian Venture Capital and Private Equity Association is pleased to offer its views on priorities ahead of the 2019 Federal Election. The Canadian venture capital and private equity industry plays an instrumental role in improving the standard of living of Canadians by catalyzing the investments required to