Venture CapitalOpinion

VC IWD Featured Article 01

Perspectives from Venture Capital Leaders…Who Just Happen to Be Women

Jon Jackson

There are women in Canada that wield significant influence in our industry that oversee millions and billions in assets. These expert opinions are needed now more than ever. Strategies are looking to adjust for where markets are heading and to focus on the many variables that will spell future investment success or failure. Again, this

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Let’s Talk About Gratitude, Loneliness & Resilience

Brenda Irwin

Lying on the wickedly cold pavement on January 14, listening to first responders assess how they were going to transfer my body to a spinal board—not yet knowing if I fractured my pelvis, I recall darting thoughts of “I have the tools to get through this.” I was angry at the driver who hit me

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Looking Ahead: 2021 Trends for Foreign Direct Investment in Canada

Ian McKay

Looking Ahead: 2021 Trends for Foreign Direct Investment in Canada is a contribution to CVCA Central from Invest In Canada. As the CEO of Invest in Canada, I am constantly in contact with international executives—assessing and addressing their most pressing business challenges while presenting investment opportunities all across Canada. Like the rest of us, global

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Canada’s Tech Ecosystem Shows Resilience Amid Pandemic

Silicon Valley Bank

Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) is the bank of the world’s most innovative companies. For more than 35 years, SVB has helped innovative companies and their investors move bold ideas forward, fast. SVB provides targeted financial services and expertise through its offices in innovation centres around the world. With commercial, international, and private banking services, SVB

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Toronto’s Flourishing Tech Scene Attracts Investors

Ludovic André

Toronto’s Flourishing Tech Scene Attracts Investors is a contribution to CVCA Central from Crédit Mutuel Equity. Toronto’s flourishing tech hub continues to grow rapidly and to shine around the globe. The recent inauguration and opening of La French Tech Toronto is just another example of the city’s growing power of attraction as one of the

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Digital Transformation Through COVID‑19 and How Venture Capitalists Can Be Catalysts for Change

Rich Osborn

While still relatively recent in all of our lives, COVID-19 represents one of the most significant global events to fundamentally influence global economic and social conditions since the Second World War. As a result of this ever-worsening pandemic and the social upheaval it continues to engender, there is a growing requirement to accelerate the introduction

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The New Metrics for Scaling Tech Businesses—Part II

Daneal Charney

This is part two of a two part article detailing HR considerations for quarterly board reporting. This article is a contribution from Daneal Charney, Executive in Residence for MaRSDD Momentum companies, Top 25 Human Resource Winner and Certified Leadership Coach. VIEW PART I HERE. Venture capital (VC) and private equity (PE) firms often talk about

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The New Metrics for Scaling Tech Businesses—Part I

Daneal Charney

This is part one of a two part article detailing HR considerations for quarterly board reporting. This article is a contribution from Daneal Charney, Executive in Residence for MaRSDD Momentum companies, Top 25 Human Resource Winner and Certified Leadership Coach. VIEW PART II HERE. Venture capital (VC) and private equity (PE) firms often talk about

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Alberta Shows Stunning Growth in 2019, Opportunity in 2020

Alberta Enterprise Corporation (AEC)

Alberta Shows Stunning Growth in 2019, Opportunity in 2020 is a contribution to CVCA Central from Alberta Enterprise Corporation (AEC). The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented event that has forced all businesses to re-evaluate their markets, risks, and priorities. In this time of volatility, predicting the future of venture capital is admittedly challenging. However, there

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Cybersecurity for the Remote Workforce

Jeff Dawley

This article is a special contribution from Jeff Dawley, Founder, Cybersecurity Compliance Corporation. If you’re interested in contributing content to CVCA Central, please contact our editorial team. And there we all were, mid-March, sending our teams off to their homes with whatever devices were available. Everyone suddenly scrambling to set up confidential access, online communication standards